Friday, September 23, 2011

The first day of fall .....

Today is the first day of fall. A beautiful time to enjoy the beauty of Kentucky, the fall season. I remember when we moved to Kentucky, I had to ask my uncle Bobby why prices for lodging were so high in October. It just seemed so odd. But after witnessing a few fall seasons here, I know why.

We had fall in the West too. But it surely doesn't look like it does here! Don't get me wrong ... I love Idaho just as much as I do Kentucky. But fall in Idaho doesn't last very long. Especially once the snow starts flying in the higher country. Fall is just a blink in the scheme of things.

In Kentucky, and our surrounding states too, the fall season lasts a bit longer. I guess because we don't get the high mountain snows, huh? Heck, we rarely get snow here. Or what I'm used to anyways. But, don't get me started on winter..... I'm still looking forward to what's to come.

My sister has never seen a fall in Kentucky. She always came out to visit me during the winter months, so just always saw the bare trees we witness through winter. She's got something to look forward to with our fall, huh? We are thinking about taking a drive down to Gatlinburg in October, I'm guessing it will be gorgeous!

As I look out the window this morning though, it looks more like winter. It's dreary out there.... and a bit chilly too! Do I really have to start unpacking winter clothes? Can't I just get by with a light jacket for a few more weeks? I'm not asking for too much, am I?

We really shouldn't complain though, we definitely need the rain. Maybe not today .... but down the road it will be nice. Our pond is needing some water in it. Thankfully it doesn't go dry - or the ducks would be mighty unhappy.

Where is your favorite place to witness the beauty of Fall in Kentucky? Let me know, maybe I can get another road trip in the planning stages!!

Have a great Friday everyone. Be safe wherever you might be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where did September go?

Goodness, where did the month go? It's already the 22nd day of the month - and this is my first post since sometime back in August. I surely haven't disappeared. Just been a busy month I guess.

The September book was printed and distributed right before our Cornhole, Croquet and Country celebration at the farm. Those that came also shared in a surprise for my dad's birthday - he turned 77 that day. We had a lot of fun, between the music by Boot Scootin' Entertainment and all the visiting we got in during the day. And I haven't even gotten to the food part of the party yet!

The meal that we shared that day was simply amazing. It was so nice to get together and enjoy a meal with our friends, family, readers of the magazine and our wonderful neighbors. Yes, we've got some special neighbors. They put up with the music all day - and we never heard a complaint one. We made sure the speakers were pointed outward towards the fields, not the neighbors' homes.....

No sooner did we get the celebration wrapped up, dad and I were off to Gatlinburg for a few days. I quickly learned that a few days in Gatlinburg is not enough. Goodness. How on earth have we lived here for almost 10 years and never gone to Gatlinburg? I am so excited to take Dave back for a visit. Although we'll have to save up for a while - once he sees all those go-kart tracks he'll go wild!

We've been on our share of Go-Kart tracks over the years we've been together. We used to take our kidlets to them too. I can plainly see little Casey driving a go-kart that had a block put behind the pedal so she couldn't go too fast. Here the rest of us, Dave, Jenni and I were actually trying to race each other - and stay out of the way of Casey. She liked to drive around the track in a box pattern. You know - go straight down the stretches, then come to a corner and turn 90 degrees to the left. It was a hoot, I'm telling ya!

We met up with Dad one time in Oregon and went to the tracks over on the coast. Dave and I got done with racing at this one little track we really enjoyed, and Dad's comment? "You guys really shouldn't be on the track at the same time." You could say that the Dave person and I are a bit competitive when it comes to racing. Probably the reason we've never gotten into Saturday night racing around here. We would fight over who got to drive the car!

I've spent the rest of the month struggling with a sprained shoulder. Not a good thing, it's the right shoulder no less. Thankfully Dr. John has been able to give me some relief. I had to break down for an x-ray even. Not a fan of x-rays. But, I had to get this shoulder thing figured out .... deadline week is upon me again! Kind of hard to type with a sore shoulder. And the Dave person isn't too keen on typing up all my stories, so a fix was necessary. It's a whole lot better than it was, we'll see how the next week goes.

Have a blessed day everyone. I'll be back more regularly now, well God willing I will be. He might have other plans for me........
