I have come to the conclusion that I'm not a good blogger. I am just too busy at times to remember to do it. So I procrastinate, which is entirely the wrong thing to do when you get behind. And this time I've procrastinated since March! Oh my. I should be fired, except I'm the person that would fire me.
Where does the time go? This time of year, it goes to gardening I suppose. It seems like Dave and I are outside later and later each evening. By the time we get in the house and grab something to eat, it's bedtime. And eating before bed is not good either. It tends to mess with your sleep! At least it does mine.
The June magazine came out a bit late this month and we are doing what we can to prevent that from happening again. When we switched to the new printers we had to make a sacrifice. You see, they were already booked the entire last week of the month. Which means we can't print until the first week of the month - which means our book doesn't come out until about the 10th of each month. We have to take the good with the bad - and I'd rather have an awesome looking book. Young's Publishing does a wonderful job of printing our book and I just can't switch back to lower quality just to allow for earlier printing. So, for those advertisers and sponsors that are disappointed, please understand that I have to take the good with the bad.
July's magazine is already in the works. I'm through with procrastination. We'll be printing it on July 2nd and it will be delivered by July 7th. It would be delivered a day earlier, but the July 4th holiday falls right on the day we should be getting the book back. So we will be out in full force on July 5th delivering to all of the great advertisers that support us each month.
Our June book was a tough month. Most people advertised in the Estill County Fair Book - and we can't blame them for that. We do, however, thank the many people that also took out an ad with us. It is most definitely appreciated. We don't have legal advertising sales to fall back on, nor do we have other publications like some of our competition. We have one publication, that comes out once a month. Without our advertisers we wouldn't have a book - and without advertisers we find it rather hard to eat at times. Thank goodness we grow most of our own food.
I talked with several advertisers last month that took out ads in other publications too. One such publication was out of Cincinnati, Ohio. I guess I should be honored that their salesmen took my publication around to our dedicated advertisers and asked for ads. But, I'm not honored. They are just messing with my small, locally owned business! I've never been one to take another publication around and hit their advertisers. I guess I should, huh?
When you advertise with All Things Country Magazine, rest assured that you are helping out a small business. A locally-owned business. With one full-time employee that hasn't been paid in months. Yes, times are tough. For everyone. That's why my appreciation to those who support us is unwavering. This one employee couldn't possibly publish this magazine without the help of my dear husband Dave and my sister Roben. It takes a village, right? Well, it takes my whole family to help get this magazine out and I am forever grateful to them.
So, as I sit here and ponder what to include in our next edition, please know how thankful I am for every advertiser, subscriber and reader that comes in contact with All Things Country Magazine. And I'll keep publishing it as long as I can - as long as all of you keep supporting my dream too! Have a great day. Pam