Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blanket, Bedding and Dishcloth Drive

Yes, I'm still tore up about the damages I saw last week during my travels. Since I've been through my share of natural disasters, I somewhat understand what all these people are dealing with each day since the tornadoes hit. Day to day life has changed for so many people in our great state - and many states around us too.

I heard my share of horror stories last week too, dealing with the recovery process. Good people with donations or services that drove down there and were turned away. Truckloads of generators turned away. I've even seen reports that clothing items would be buried at the dump rather than given away. Oh my gosh.

Of course, I do understand the logistics problem - storing all of the donations must be an issue in itself. I have also seen posts of people begging for items. Where does a person start? How do you know what is right?

I pondered for days what I could do. I really want to help, but how? I've donated money through my church to go to the relief funds. I even 'mistakenly' donated to the Red Cross fund, which I doubt is the right thing to do at this point. The money donated to them just goes into their General Fund and that's not right. I would be curious to see how much goes to tornado victims out of that fund. It didn't work during Katrina, I doubt it will work here.

Since I'm a fiber arts fanatic, I have decided that I can make things to give to them. Like dishcloths. Who doesn't love a homemade dish cloth? And I have friends who knit, quilt and crochet. I keep thinking of all the kidlets down in that area that lost their blankets. So, I'll be hitting up everyone I know in the next three weeks asking for donations of items. I figure that in about three or four weeks, these folks will have a better grasp on their lives. Right now, many don't even have homes. So bedding isn't a direct need. But it will be.

You might wonder what you can do if you aren't a knitter or crocheter? Well, I'll also take all sizes of towels, sheets, crib sheets, pillowcases. I plan on collecting just as much as I can and store them at my home until it's time to deliver them. I've already sent out emails to several of our readers who are going to direct me where donations need to go in their towns.

So, at least I'll be doing something. And I hope you'll join in with me. God Bless you all......

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