Gosh, the early morning fire on Christmas Day in Connecticut has really broke my heart. This morning's news say it was because of embers cleaned out of the fireplace. Even more devastating to this family is the thought it could have been prevented. I survived an apartment fire when I was 13 years old, and my memories are always revived when I hear stories like this. Our family had to jump out off our 2nd story deck to safety. I remember so well the noise. Between the actually roaring of the fire and the sirens of fire engines and ambulances, it was so loud. Worse yet, the screams of those on the top floor balconies who couldn't get out. There were people yelling at them to jump, people yelling at them to wait for the ladders. The same noises that I'm sure were heard Christmas morning in Connecticut. Simply heartbreaking.
That was just the start of the bad news though. An interesting series has been on the Today Show for the past few mornings. I'm sure it's going to be an all-week series, so I'm equally anxious to see what tomorrow brings. We sure live in a scary world, that's about all I can say. The story yesterday involved identity theft. We all worry about identity theft, especially when doing alot on the internet. We run our credit scores to check on things from time to time. But yesterday's story didn't involve adults - who are well aware of the risks out there. No, the story revolved around children, babies even! Crooks are stealing baby and young children's social security numbers and by the time the child is grown up, there credit has been ruined.
Like I said, we all watch our own credit history. But never would I have thought to run a credit report on my child. They don't need credit. The story says you really should run credit checks yearly on your kids. Sad, huh? The sadder part .... they actually showed the people that had stolen this family's social security numbers. They showed them right there on the television. But nothing can be done? Hogwash.....
Today's story? Locksmiths, of all things. Who would think you can't trust your local locksmith? (Well, actually you probably can trust him if you live in a small town! Love small town living!!!). This story showed people looking up locksmith numbers when they are in need of one. They call, get a quote of $49.00, as an example. The homeowner thinks they are getting a good deal and say come on over. By the time the 'locksmith' has left, the bill totals over $600.00. They destroy the lock, sometimes the door. Whatever damage they can do and then say you owe more than the quote. And they want cash. If you pay by check they tack on a couple hundred dollars more. What a racket!
The saddest part of these stories? All of the 'masterminds' of these crimes, the ones they showed on television doing it - not a one of them could speak english. Several had interpreters. Are you kidding me? Our world is getting overtaken by people who can't speak our language, who are taking our jobs, and even stealing our identities. It's no wonder everything is so screwed up.
Again, I've made the mistake of watching the news. The newsperson in me can't resist, but I'm almost to the point of just throwing the television out the window so I don't start my day off by watching the horror that is our world around us. Again, I'm thankful for the small community I live in, for the many friends and neighbors I've got around me every day, for the love that small town folks show to each other. Sure, we've got problems too. But, I would have no problem calling any of the businesses in our area for help. At least most everyone speaks English!
Have a wonderful day everyone. I'll be busy today finishing up the typing about our reader's favorite snow memories for our January book. And I'll be thanking God for everything he has given me yesterday, today, and hopefully tomorrow too!
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