Dogs are filling up the television screens this morning. Tonight the winner of the Westminster Dog Show will be chosen. I can't help but watch each of the breeds as they walk around that area. I find several breeds I would love to have each and every year.
The only problem is I already have dogs. Two of them - sometimes three! Everyone knows about our Abby dog. We got her from a friend in Irvine who couldn't keep her. The first week .... adorable. The second and third weeks .... ready to give her away! I hadn't had a dog in years, since living in Oregon. And Abby was such a cute puppy. We took her to the vet for her shots and found out she was part beagle. Oh, so that explained her need to run every time we let her out the door. She's a leash dog. Yup, runs off every chance she gets.
Then there is Gracie, our great white pyrenees. What a big ole' lovable thing she is. All 85 pounds of her. She was actually another rescue .... her owner had a heart attack and couldn't keep her. We got her when she was about 6 months old. She lived in a kennel for several months while we waited for the sale of the farm to go through and then she lived in the barn with the critters.
Well, she lived in the barn until her first big shock at hearing thunder. She's the biggest chicken. I think she would come through the front windows if she could when the storms hit. And we're pretty sure she heard a pretty big boom in the barnyard because she doesn't like it out there anymore. She's perfectly content lying on the front or back decks, out in the yard, down by the pond. Just don't lock her in the barnyard. She'll find a way out every time. She's climbed over bull gates, snuck under woven wire fences, we've even caught her squeezing her body through a 4-inch woven wire. She's just spreads the wire out to allow her body to get through.
Our third dog, Sheba, actually died a couple of days after Thanksgiving last year. She ingested some type of poison while ---- wait for it ---- running off! Yep, she was another of our wonderful dogs that wouldn't stay behind a fence. We certainly aren't very good at training our dogs, are we?
I did mention that we sometimes have three dogs. And we do. The neighbor's dog, Boomer, seems to have fallen in love with our Gracie dog. He hardly ever leaves. He's a good dog, just not ours! He runs down the road every day when the bus runs, since there are three kids on there that actually own him. He walks them down the road .... and then comes right back to our porch. Boomer's 'dad' drives by in his big red Dodge truck and the dog's ears perk right up. He follows him up the road too. I guess just to make sure his master gets home okay, because he comes right back to our house.
He's taken up residence in our back screened in room, taking full advantage of the couch back there. He stays comfy, that's for sure. We aren't sure whether to feed him or not. Gracie certainly doesn't let him eat her food. We sneak him food once in a while ... not really knowing if his 'owners' feed him. I'm guessing that we should head down to the neighbors one of these days and talk about visitation and support!
Well, have a great day everyone! Enjoy every bit of this wonderful sunshine as you can. My friendly weather-blogging dude says snow may return tomorrow.
Blessings, Pam
Very good topic.Being dog poor myself.I get it.We have a beagle.She is a um well,a turd to put it kindly.She would actually walk up the fence brace and jump out.She also get ON everything in the kitchen.The only thing she has ever hunted in her life was a biscuit.We have a chihuahua that nobody wanted after her girl died.She was the sadest little thing I ever saw.She kept to herself pretty much till the boy came along and has attached herself to him.She will escape to his house if she is out and hears him in the yard.Then there is the over weight min pin.I try to make her stay out so as to loose a little weight,but for some reason she always finds things to eat while out.2 pit bulls.Both are excellent watch dogs.The younger has adhd and has to stay outside in the yard.The older can't be held behind any fence,He can jump it at any height,so he stays in with me.He has separation anxiety,but is doin better with it.He is very protective of the live stock.I take him to the barn with me every morning and out at night to close up the chickens.I lost my Rott of 13 yrs last summer.Was very hard on me.I miss her dearly.