Friday, December 30, 2011

Week Between The Years ...

The week is called the week between the years, a time to visiting with friends .... at least that's how they celebrate it in Germany. I think it's a great week. Well, for the most part. For some, it is the end of the year, which means lots of work for business-people. Trying to get everything done before the close of business today.

I kind of like the "visiting with friends" tradition myself. Although I seem to be too busy to do much visiting, because I'm one of those trying to get everything done. And of course, throw in deadline week and I'm really busy. As busy as I am this week, I took the time to go to the Kiwanis Meeting last night. It was so nice catching up with people I haven't seen in a few weeks. Plus Dave did a pretty nice presentation about All Things Country and our farm.

Dave does a lot of visiting with people, but I rarely get away from this computer long enough to go to town. Now, I don't mind that at times .... but I sure miss talking with some of my friends down in town. I guess I should make it a goal for 2012 to do more visiting!

This week also brings alot of Year-End Reviews. Highlights of what has happened in the past year. Whew. The scope of how our world is changing is evident when you watch these reels of highlights from 2011. The world's weather sure did alot of damage in the past year. Gosh, I hadn't realized how many earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes happened. Or just had forgotten. The folks in those areas surely haven't forgotten.

And we lose so many people each year. Not just family and friends, but greats from the world of music, actors and actresses, sports starts and so many more. When you wrap it all up into a 10 minutes montage it brings it all home.

So, I hope you get to do lots and lots of visiting with your friends and family in the next two days. You just never know what tomorrow will bring. It is definitely not guaranteed.

And Happy New Year to all of you. Thanks for reading.

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