Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My in-between day

Today is my in-between day. I have one every single month. It is the day between print day and pick up day for the magazine. I could say that I have nothing to do, but that isn't true. I have a million things I could do. Don't we all? The question is, what do I want to do?

There is housework to do. That never ends. Even with just two of us, the housework remains the same as when we had a kidlet living at home.  The only thing that really changed once Jen left home was our cooking patterns. It's not uncommon for the Dave person and I to just have a sandwich for dinner on some nights. You just can't do that with kids. They kind of expect some form of a dinner.... ha ha ha.

There is farmwork to do. But, hey, that never ends either! It's hard for me to do farmwork on such a nice sunny day. Because I would do the farm work that I WANT to do, not the farmwork that needs to be done. That's out anyway, because Dave is up at dad's installing a dishwasher for them. So, I can reasonably put off the farmwork idea 'til he returns home.

I could sit and spend the day knitting or needle felting. I'm working on an awesome needle-felted hat that is taking up my evenings right now. It is my first one, so it's a tester model. Tester models stay on either my head or Dave's head. This one is more for a girl, so it's mine :-). I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Office work is another option. I could clean off my desk! What a novel idea. But, really, on my one day off each month, do I really want to do office work? Not exactly. I sit here all the time, in our 'dining room' converted to office space part of the house. Why would I want to do it today too? My sister actually told me to not get dressed today, since I don't have any plans. Yeah, right ....

I tried that. Staying in my robe. Guess who showed up here at noon today? Two representatives of the American Cancer Society to talk to me about Relay. I wonder if my sister heard me in her head when I was saying to myself, "Sure Pam, stay in your robe all day." Fine idea sister person. But, hey, guess what? I'm still in my robe!

I guess that by the time I decide what to do with my free day, the day will be about over. It's already 1:30 ... and I have a Relay meeting this evening at the hospital. So, I'm down to about 4 hours left of my free day. And if I don't get some laundry done, I won't have clothes to wear. And if I don't clean the kitchen up some, we won't have any dinner. And if I don't get these dogs fed, they are going to bug me until I do. So, I'm right back to doing housework, farmwork and thinking about my evening meeting.

Not much of a day off. But, that's okay! I was blessed to wake up this morning and that's enough to carry me through my whole day, whatever I decide to do .......

Have a great day everyone! We'll be out and about tomorrow delivering the newest edition of All Things Country Magazine.

Blessings, Pam

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