Monday, January 28, 2013

Why, yes, I do have a blog.

The blog has been speaking to me lately. Wondering where I've been I guess. I get up every morning with lots to say, I just fail to sit my butt in this chair and type it up. I guess I don't figure many people read it anyways, so no one is missing me either. But, I'm going to correct this little dilemma by being more diligent in staying in touch!

Sure, I do Facebook. Lots of people do. I've found out recently that lots of people don't use it too! In fact, I've learned lots of my readers don't even have an email. Hard to believe in today's society, but it is the truth. No everyone is hooked up to a computer like it's an IV in their arm. I find it harder and harder to be on Facebook anymore anyway! It's all advertising and political views. I joined FB to stay in touch with my family and friends, not to read ads and trash talk regarding our beloved United States.

I've been trying out Twitter a bit lately. I can't say I understand it. How on earth does anyone keep up without sitting right there with the window in front of you? There are millions of 'tweets' going on and I'm pretty sure mine get missed in all the hub-bub. Oh, well. Not much of a success there either!

Another social site I'm having problems with is Pinterest. I just don't have the time! I've went there several times and tried 'cruising' around looking at ideas. Next thing I knew hours had passed and I hadn't gotten a single thing accomplished. I've kind of stayed away since. If I've got to be on this computer, I may as well do my work and be done with it.

It's deadline week here at the magazine. Always a bit rushed and hurried the week the magazine goes to the printers. Last minute ads are always a kink - yet I'll take them! I'll put your ad in the book right up to about 12 hours before I send it north for printing. That's the way it is with a small business with few employees. Between the two of us, we can't possibly hit everyone every month for an ad. Thank goodness the internet does work in that way. I'd be lost without my email.

Speaking of that, I've got about a dozen emails I need to answer so I'd best get to it! Have a great day everyone. Be safe in the stormy weather heading our way. Rain is just on the other side of Lexington as I type away..... I'm sure it'll be in beautiful Palmer, Kentucky before too long!

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